hello again

OH MY GOSH it's been a looong, long time since i wrote and published my last post. I was blogwalking when I realized that hey... I used to have a blog when I'm a sixth grader. And I believed that I haven't deleted it yet:/ so I logged into my blogger account and boom, here I am. So right after that, I read my sweet, lil' blog and I felt like I wanted to laugh AND cry at the same time. No joke. Truthfully it is weird to see what I wrote (and published ofc) when I was younger. Okay, it's only three years since my last post but I admit, maaany things has changed since then. Right now there is a battle happening in my brain, it is about whether I'm going to delete this blog or not. Oh wait, decision is made. I've decided to keep this blog just the way it was. No, I'm not going to write on this blog anymore. Maybe I'll start a new blog... (still) filled with my stories and a lot of other things. Let's just say that I'm keeping this as a memory that I can peek when I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. Feel free to note that;) (AND HEY IT RHYMES) Sincerely, Aini Hanum B.

Hello 2010!

Jadi,kita sudah memasuki tahun 2010! :D
Well, sedih juga ninggalin 2009. Banyak kenangan manis dan pahit(cielah) yang kita alami.
Eniwei, saya sudah dapat memenuhi beberapa resolusi tahun 2009 yaitu:
Get the 1st rank. Buy blackberry smartphone. Healthier hair. Better personality.
Yah... Mungkin baru sedikit. Tapi saya sudah membuat daftar resolusi baru yaitu:
Keep the 1st rank! Tryout bagus. UASBN lancar dan hasilnya bagus. NEM bagus. Masuk 115 jhs.
Great results of final test at EF. Meningkatkan sifat rajin (perlu usaha keras).
Matematika,bahasa,dan ipa terkuasai.
Bagaimana pendapat kalian?

^___^ eniwei, saya update lewat hp loh
Dan... Maaf untuk post2 sebelumnya yang terkesan sok english. :)

Remember December

Heyall, maaf ya kalo udah lama nggak ngepost.
Jadiii, hari ini, tanggal 15, di sekolah ada pensi a.k.a PENTAS SENI.
Tapi bukan itu yang gue mau ceritain :D
Besok, di sekolah kita mau pentas drama (PLBJ) judulnya Si Pitung.
Yaallah bener - bener cobaan ya. Kalo boleh maunya bikin drama sendiri (?) wk.
Meskipun gitu gue seneng. Semoga kelompok gue dapet nilai bagus.
Dan... hari kamis mau ada perkemahan di sekolah. Malesnya, sama-sama kelas 5.
Yaa meskipun terakhir kali gue masih kelas 5, tapi tetep aja. Udah gitu kelas 6 banyak yang nggak ikut lagi. Gaasik nih!
Well well, kok gue jadi pusing sih? Apa gara2 kehujanan ya?
Dan quantum musti tetep masuk minggu depan. Males ah, nggak usah masuk.
My December Wishlist : Ranking 2 ato 1, beli  BB (yang ini bnr2 nggak mungkin)
Okay, that's all. Wish me luck for tomorrow!
And don't forget, follow my twitter @hanum_chan .

Bestfriend Or Frenemies?

I read this quiz (by Gogirl! Magz), then i thinking...
Something is not right. I noticed that "is "she" 's my BFF? Or frenemies?"
We're not a classmates since first grade, but she's so nice. Until...
Until she had a boyfriend. She's always talking about her boyfriend.
Just that? No. A lot more.
She like to cheating. Me. My other friends. Even if my test answers is flying, she's can't take her eyes off the answer.
Sorry if my english is bad.

Kegilaan bersama teman-teman (les)

Halo, maaf udah lama nggak ngeposting maklum sibuk nih fufufu.
Sekarang gue udah dapet temen (lagi) di ef sama quantum.
Vira salah satunya. Dia anak GIS, temennya Afie (BFF gw)
Gue sering ngetweet bareng dia :)
Sedangkan... temen-temen ef gue udah nambah BANYAK. 
Gue ceritain kejadian kocak yang tadi.
Jadi, tadi di ef kita disuruh ngerjain tugas sama Mr. Nick.
Gue sekelompok sama Kak Gabby, Kak Dhila, dan Dara.
Jadi kita disuruh nulis negara/kota yang mau kita kunjungin sama alasannya.
Biasalah, namanya juga anak cewek, ngerjainnya sambil ngerumpi dong :D
Dan parahnya lagi, kita ngobrol pake bahasa Indonesia lohh :p
Jadi kita dihukum. Detention waktu selesai, selama 4 menit.
Saking kesalnya Kak Dhila teriak "I WANT... I WANT..."
Dan kita tambah dihukum. Jadi 5 menit.
Pada saat waktu detention tiba...
Mr. Nick ngebiarin kita di kelas.
Dan parahnya lagi, HELLO, kelas gue VANCOUVER bo! ada 2 pintu!
Yaudah kitanya langsung pada kabur deh :p

Bye! See ya!


Sorry, udah lama nggak posting. Soalnya jarang main komputer sih. Oh well :)
Pasti tahu kan, yang namanya twitter. Sekarang saya jadi sering buka deh :D
Jadi, saya buka twitter di hp memakai application yang bernama Snaptu.
Bukan UberTwitter atau TwitterBerry sih. Hehehe.
Sekarang tweet saya ada 630. Masih tergolong sedikit bagi para penderita tweetfever.
Jadi, saya memutuskan untuk mengurangi main fb dan terus ngetweet(dan belajar tentunya)
OK, sampai di sini dulu. Oh iya, untuk melihat profile Looklet saya, klik Jangan lupa untuk vote saya ya!

No Server, No Maid = HELL!

Okay, so after idul fitri i move to my old house.
We were so busy, so i tired. I slept in my mother's room hehe.
So, a few days after idul fitri i went to Cirebon ^0^
After that, when i go home, my maid is at home already.
But... my new maid's grandmother sick so she go back to her hometown :'(
So, there are just one maid at home.
But... (again?) the old maid is SICK because she's too tired.
So she went to her hometown... :'(
And finally, we trying to find new maid.
And it's not working -,- 
So the security helping us.
(In Indonesian) Jadi seperti ini...
1. Pak Bagus : Satpam merangkap ojek (mengantar les&sekolah naik motor) dan tukang cuci piring serta tukang cuci mobil dan juga menyapu dan mengepel -,- fiuhh
2. Pak Ncus (what a weird name haha) : Satpam merangkap supir 
(Back to english)
After a long long long time, my old maid is healthy again. She is back to my house.
And... i feel happy because this house is clean now ;D